Quandir Solutions
Do you get tired of looking at the same background picture? Would you like variety in your work environment? Then DP Autochanger is for you.
DP Autochanger is a shareware product that changes your desktop picture automatically. You set the time between changes. The new picture is chosen at random from a folder you choose. DP Autochanger keeps track of which pictures have been shown so that all the pictures in your folder are shown, unlike many randomizers. DP Autochanger also provides the capability of downloading and displaying pictures from URLs.
DP Autochanger 2, for Mac OS X only, provides a new user experience for DP Autochanger, and eliminates the need for the Editor. A new “About” box provides status information at any time. URL or picture files can be dropped on the Dock icon to change the picture immediately.
New! DP Autochanger will not work with any version of Mac OS X past 10.4. As of Mac OS X 10.5, DP Autochanger is officially end of lifed. If you just want to use static pictures on your computer, may I suggest the built in desktop changing that has been in the system since Mac OS 10.2? If you want to have pictures from the web on your Desktop, see my other product, Daydreamer. For the reasons, see my blog.
DP Autochanger 2.0.3 requires Mac OS X 10.1 through Mac OS X 10.4 and AppleScript 1.8.3. Version 1.5.1 supports Mac OS 8 through 9.2.2. AppleScript 1.8.3 is required for 9.2.2.
Follow this link for more details on DPAutochanger 2, and this link for more details on version 1.5.1.
Credits and Acknowledgements
"Cancun Sunset", the picture on the right of the DP Autochanger logo, is Copyright 1997 Laura Garnel. It is used with permission. "Midsummer Night", the picture on the left of the DP Autochanger logo, is Copyright 1997 Eric Joustra.
Downloading and Registering
You can download DP Autochanger 2.0.3 here. DP Autochanger 1.5.1 is available in binary form.
DP Autochanger is shareware and costs $5 US. You can register online or register using the Register program that is packaged with DP Autochanger.